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Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Break From The Pack (strategi bersaing ditengah sengitnya ekonomi peniruan)

Pengarang : Oren Harari
Penerbit : PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer
No : SPPT.0187-DP-0409

Strategi bersaing di tengah sengitnya Ekonomi Peniruan.
Managers today find themselves in the grip of a Copycat Economy. Competitors worldwide quickly imitate each other, and their products, services, and technologies become undifferentiated lower-margin “commodities.”
To customers and investors, organizations often become part of an indistinguishable “pack.” To fight commoditization and imitation in our global economy, companies must break from the pack with compelling, unconventional innovations in strategic directions, products, customer care, cost efficiencies, business models and leadership.
Breaking from the pack is the most important strategic priority facing business leaders today. But, in a world market where products and services in every industry are becoming “me-too” commodities, what can leaders do to help their organizations grow and prosper in a healthy, sustained way?

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