"kami pekerja, suka membaca"

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Paradigma Baru Kepemimpinan

Penarang : Ken
Penerbit : Pt Elex Media Komputindo
No : SPPT.0257-DP-0612


Ketika anda membaca judul buku ini, mungkin anda akan berfikir, "Sudah banyak buku tentang kepemimpinan..., tidak ada yang baru. Lagi pula Colin Powell itu hanya seorang menteri luar negeri. Banyak pemimpin yang lebih besar daripadanya. "Namun sebaiknya tunda dulu prasangka anda. Mengapa?
Bersama orangtuanya, Colin kecil adalah imigran asal Jamaika yang mengadu nasib di Amerika Serikat. Dibesarkan di Bronx, salah satu daerah kumuh di AS, ia memulai karier militer setelah dewasa. Ia pun mengalami langsung kekejaman dan absurdnya perang Vietnam. Namun di akhir karier milternya ia menjadi perwira berbintang empat termuda yang pernah diangkat menjadi panglima kepala staf gabungan militer AS. Ia sekaligus menjadi nonkulit-putih pertama untuk posisi tersebut.
Berdasarkan perjuangan panjangnya itu, Colin Powell memunculkan paradigma yang sama sekali baru bagi sempurnanya kepemimpinan. Dalam memimpin ia bukan hanya menerima perbedaan pendapat, ia menyuburkannya. Ia lebih mementingkan orang ketimbang rencana dan strategi. Ia percaya kepada orang-orang di lapangan ketimbang kepada para petinggi di pusat. Dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat dipetik dari tokoh ini.
Buku ini semakin menarik karena penulis dengan baik menerjemahkan kepemimpinan Colin Powell ke dalam konteks bisnis. Mereka yang ingin mendapatkan gelar pemimpin tak boleh melewatkan karya Oren Harari ini.

Norma Perlindungan Dalam Hubungan Industrial

Pengarang : Drs Mohd Syaufii Syamsudin SH.MH
Penerbit : Serana Bhakti Persada
No : SPPT.DP-0256-0613

Buruh Bergerak Sebuah Konstruksi Ideologi

Pengarang : Andito
Penerbit : Turc
No : SPPT.0255-DP-0613

Makin Terang Bagi Kami Belajar Hukum Perburuhan

Pengarang : Surya tjandra & Japar Suryomenggolo
Penerbit : Truc
No : SPPT.0254-DP-0613

Family DISCovery way

Pengarang : Bambang & Hanny Sumanjaya
Penerbit :Pt Gramedia Pustaka Utama
No : SPPT.0253-DP-0312

Ringkasan Buku Family DISCovery Way. Panduan Manajemen Keluarga Berkualitas

Apabila Keluarga Anda mengalami beberapa gejala di bawah ini:
+ Hubungan terasa kering dan hambar.
+ Anggota keluarga sibuk dengan aktivitasnya masing-masing.
+ Saling cuek antaranggota keluarga.
+ Pertengkaran telah menjadi hiasan sehari-hari dalam keluarga.
+ Stres dan depresi tentang keluarga. 
+ Ingin bercerai?

Buku panduan ini akan membantu kita untuk mengelola keluarga secara berkualitas, yaitu dengan membangun pondasi yang benar, menyusun pilar-pilar yang kuat dan memiliki atap yang sehat.

Buku ini dapat digunakan secara pribadi (Self Discovery) atau dengan berkelompok (Group Discovery) yang tentunya harus belajar dengan cara mengalami (Experiential Learning). Dengan menggunakan Empat Langkah Pembelajaran: A-R-A-H, maka proses belajar jadi lebih mudah


Pengarang : Jamsostek Persero
Penerbit : Pt Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja
No : SPPT.0252-DP-0312

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Menghindari Perangkap Hirarki

Pengarang : Samuel A Cculbert
Penerbit : Pt Gramedia Pustaka Utama
No : SPPT.0251-DP-0312
Buku ini memaparkan cara untuk mengimplementasikan model susunan organisasi alternatif: tanggung jawab dua pihak. Berdasarkan kejadian nyata, penulis menunjukkan bagaimana model baru ini bisa menimbulkan komunikasi yang jujur, kerja sama tim yang nyata, meniadakan politik, semangat kebersamaan, dan tanggung jawab yang lebih besar.

Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager

Pengarang : New York Times
Penerbit : Pt Gramedia Utama
No : SPPT.0250.DP-0312

Ken Blanchard's phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager explores the skills needed to become an effective self leader. Now, Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager clearly and thoroughly reveals how power, freedom, and autonomy come from having the right mind-set and the skills needed to take personal responsibility for success.
In this captivating business parable, number one New York Times bestselling author Ken Blanchard, with coauthors Susan Fowler and Laurence Hawkins, tells the story of Steve, a young advertising executive who is about to lose his job. During a series of talks with a gifted magician named Cayla, Steve comes to realize the power of taking responsibility for his situation and not playing the victim. Passing along the knowledge she has learned from the One Minute Manager, Cayla teaches Steve the three skills of self leadership. These three techniques not only empower him to keep his job but show him what he needs to know in order to keep growing, learning, and achieving.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

The power OF Transformation

Pengarang : Ariwibowo Prijaksono
Penerbit : Media Komputindo Kelompok Gramedia
No : SPPT.0249-DP-0312

Do the news media have any role in the transformation of war and warfare? This book argues that the news media alter the cognitive and strategic environment of the actors of war and politics and change the way these interact with one another. Contributing to the changing nature of war and warfare, the media is influencing decision-making and political leaders themselves, highlighting that politics is not a rational process. Building on a four-dimensional definition of power and focusing on the role of television, this book recognises the importance of interactions upon the understanding of any social phenomenon. It suggests that the nature of war is changing partly because it is no longer just a matter of linear strategic interactions but also, and mainly, of 'mediated' ones.


Pengarang : Nawawi SH
Penerbit : Fajar Agung
No : SPPT.0248-DP-0312


Pengarang : Lo-Tco
Penerbit : Manfren Warda
No : SPPT.0247-DP-0312

Telah Terbit Buku “Panduan ICEM Tentang Pekerja Kontrak & Outsourcing”

 Bagi Kawan-kawan afiliasi yang berminat terhadap buku ini, silahkan  kontak Federasi masing-masing atau kontak Indah ya…

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013


Pengarang : St Jhon Ambulance
Penerbit : Saving Lives
N0 : SPPT.0246-DP-0312


Industrial Safety Training dedicated to accident prevention and assisting you meet the regulations and standards. Our Mission is to provide you with Quality Training, Exceptional Service, and are Committed to helping achieve results.
WORK SAFE Training can help YOU Get Trained - Get Certified - Get Working
Courses include:
• Approved Photo I.D. Licence & Diploma Certification
• Practical & Theoretical (In-class) Training & Evaluations
• Training Record
• One on One (1:1 instructor to student ratio) Training


Pengarang : Lo-Tco
Penerbit : Multinational Enterprises
No : SPPT.0245-DP-0312

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations for international business conduct in such areas as labour, environment, consumer protection and the fight against corruption. The recommendations are made by the adhering governments and, although they are not binding, governments are committed to promoting their observance.
This book provides the complete text of the Guidelines along with an account of what the 38 adhering governments have been doing to enhance the contribution of the Guidelines to the improved functioning of the global economy. The 2005 edition also provides an overview of corporate responsibility in the developing world.
Also available in: French

Table of Contents

Part I. Meeting of National Contact Points - An Overview of Guidelines-Related Activities-Summary Report of the Chair of the Meeting on Activities of NCPS
--I. Introduction and Background
--II. Institutional Arrangements
--III. Information and Promotion
--IV. Specific Instances
--V. Swiss Request for Clarification
--VI. Investments in Weak Governance Zones and DRC Follow-Up
--VII. Follor-Up on Issues Raised at Earlier Meetings
--VIII. Progress to Date and Considerations for Further Action
--Annex 1. Structure of the National Contact Points
--Annex 2. Contact Details for National Contact Points
--Annex 3. Specific Instances Considered by National Contact Points to Date
--Annex 4. Archive of Documents
--Annex 5. Joint OECD-UN Document on the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines
--Annex 6. Investments in Weak Governance Zones - Summary of Consultations
--Annex 7. Background - The Role of the National Contact Points in the Implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
-Consultations - Contributions by Business, Trade Unions, and Non-Governmental Organisations
--BIAC Submission to the Annual OECD Roundtable on Corporate Responsibility
--TUAC Submissions
--OECD WATCH Submission
Part II. Roundtable on Corporate Responsibility: OECD Guidelines and Developing Countries - Building Trust
-Summary of the Roundtable Discussion
-Corporate Responsibility Practices of Emerging Market Economies - A Fact-Finding Study
-Multilateral Influences on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
-Annex. Information Sources about Multilateral Instruments Cited in the Guidelines
-Appendix A. Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises
-Appendix B. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Text and Implementation Procedures